The blockchain technology should engage lawyers as architects of its applications. You likely heard about blockchain technology and its applications, such as smart contracts, Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and ICOs. What's that all about? Blockchain Technology In a nutshell, the … [Read more...] about Blockchain Technology: How Smart Contracts & ICOs Practically Depend on Law
contract law
Как эффективно инвестировать из Украины в США
Вы можете инвестировать из Украины в США практически у себя дома. Как инвестировать из Украины в США? Как открыть там бизнес или купить акции американской корпорации? Все это можно сделать легко и быстро, даже не выезжая из Украины. Это как онлайн-бизнес или заработок в … [Read more...] about Как эффективно инвестировать из Украины в США
Drone Law: How to Earn on Drones Legally
A prominent part of the robotics law, the US drone law allows you to earn flying drones. Last time, you saw how lucrative the drone industry is. You might have even spot your new business opportunity. Now, you might say: But there's plenty of safety risks and restrictions — no way … [Read more...] about Drone Law: How to Earn on Drones Legally
10+ Tips for You to Earn on Drones
Use Drones to Your Business Advantage Nowadays, you likely pay more of your attention to flying machines. Here's what you'll now discover about drones: Drones You might also call them quadcopters, multirotors, UAS (unmanned aircraft systems), UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), … [Read more...] about 10+ Tips for You to Earn on Drones
17 Reasons to Choose New York Law as Your Contract Governing Law
As a governing law, the New York law is second to none in benefiting your foreign trade deals. Have you ever encountered a cross-border deal? Remember one of its most crucial legal issues? You bet, it's choice of governing law. Here's what you'll now discover: Governing Law That … [Read more...] about 17 Reasons to Choose New York Law as Your Contract Governing Law