Иногда бизнес гораздо проще приобрести, чем создать и построить. Инвестируя в США, предприниматели часто спрашивают: Ответы на все эти вопросы Вы получите ниже. Новый бизнес vs. готовый бизнес Как Вы уже поняли, у Вас есть 2 пути открыть свой бизнес в Америке: Любой случай … [Read more...] about Как купить бизнес в США [сделки M&A]
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Blockchain Technology: How Smart Contracts & ICOs Practically Depend on Law
The blockchain technology should engage lawyers as architects of its applications. You likely heard about blockchain technology and its applications, such as smart contracts, Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and ICOs. What's that all about? Blockchain Technology In a nutshell, the … [Read more...] about Blockchain Technology: How Smart Contracts & ICOs Practically Depend on Law
Как эффективно инвестировать из Украины в США
Вы можете инвестировать из Украины в США практически у себя дома. Как инвестировать из Украины в США? Как открыть там бизнес или купить акции американской корпорации? Все это можно сделать легко и быстро, даже не выезжая из Украины. Это как онлайн-бизнес или заработок в … [Read more...] about Как эффективно инвестировать из Украины в США
Legal Due Diligence: Carefully Check Your M&A Target
What may safeguard you from a business acquisition failure is a legal due diligence. When you hear about M&A deals, you inevitably run across that mysterious phrase: legal due diligence (LDD). What’s that? Why and when would you need it? Legal Due Diligence A crucial stage of any … [Read more...] about Legal Due Diligence: Carefully Check Your M&A Target
How to Open Your US Business Bank Account Easily and Swiftly (Even Online) in 2024
Opening a US bank account allows you to multiply your business money. Would you like to keep your money safe on a bank account? Need a business banking that's reliable? Want to open a bank account remotely (online)? Then, consider opening a business account at a risk-free bank in … [Read more...] about How to Open Your US Business Bank Account Easily and Swiftly (Even Online) in 2024
17 Defenses Against Hostile Takeovers [Ultimate Guide]
Antitakeover defenses allow shielding your company from hostile takeovers. Is your business lucrative enough for others to hunt for? As you may appreciate, any company may suddenly fall prey to a bigger rival. Likewise, your company may easily become a target of aggressive competitors. … [Read more...] about 17 Defenses Against Hostile Takeovers [Ultimate Guide]
4 Steps of Business Acquisition: How to Buy a Business in the US
Starting your own business? Why incorporate if you can buy a business? When you start your business, you normally have two options: to open a new business; orto buy an existing business. You should certainly weigh their pros and cons. Her's what you'll now discover: Buing a … [Read more...] about 4 Steps of Business Acquisition: How to Buy a Business in the US
Startup Incorporation: How to Open Your Company in the US [Presentations]
What firmly shapes your startup success is your legal framework. Many talented entrepreneurs around the world aspire to launch their businesses in New York, Silicon Valley, Austin, and other American IT hubs. This goal is quite understandable and perspective. Wonder why? Check out 10 … [Read more...] about Startup Incorporation: How to Open Your Company in the US [Presentations]